Archives for posts with tag: VIZ


I’m so excited as in my May library delivery was one of my favorite BL manga first volume, World’s Greatest First Love: The Case of Onodera Ritsu 世界一初恋 ~小野寺律の場合~ (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi) by NAKAMURA Shungiku 中村春菊.  Of course, it was among the first that I read, and then wanted to read again and again, so I will probably be buying this series.

This series is a classic, and one of my favorite things about this is the ending of each chapter about how long it’s going to take Onodera Ritsu to fall in love (starts with 1 day less than a year).  Some of you will know the story line (maybe most of you will know about the story line, but because I’ve been warned about spoilers I won’t go into it here) of this 9 volume (in Japan) and ongoing classic.  Anyway, the background is about the Emerald shojo manga editors in the same publisher that is in her other ongoing classic (not one of my favorites; however, I do like it) Pure Romance 純情ロマンチカ Junjou Romantica (I don’t know anyone that uses the English titles to these two series – the publishers in English (different and for Pure Romance 純情ロマンチカ Junjou Romantica defunct – maybe VIZ will get this series too and continue it at 18 volumes and still ongoing (only 12 were published in the past in English)) should probably kept the Japanese romaji names).

I hope that VIZ picks up the novels too.  Too often novels associated or that the manga is based on don’t get published here.  I have a long list of novels and novel series that aren’t available here that I’d love to read.

Even though these BL are comedies, they are graphic and only for adults.  The second volume is due out in June.  I think that’s a great rate of publishing; however, there’s nothing listed for when volumes 3 on will be published.

If you’re into BL and haven’t bought this or read this – unless you don’t like comedies, graphic BL/yaoi, or the works of NAKAMURA Shungiku 中村春菊, you’ll probably want to read these.  I hope VIZ continues this series, that’s the only reason I hesitate to buy – I like to have the full series if I’m going to purchase manga.

i184849I really had good hopes for Yukarism ゆかりズム by SHIOMI Chika 潮見知佳, as her Raisetsu らせつの花 (Rasetsu no Hana) wasn’t so bad (but I read that years ago when starting to read manga).  The idea isn’t all that unusual for shojo, so there is the problem of another formula series.  This is of real concern when I read that she was pressured into writing it by her editor and it wasn’t a period or subject she was interested in and didn’t know much about.  Also, there are only 4 finished volumes in Japan, so that is telling too, if it was better, with the way it was written, there would have been more volumes.

I think this is another reason there is so much wrong with shojo, shonen, BL, and josie manga these days (much less than in seinen).  The editors are basically writing the stories and they have a formula and go along and make changes according to how the ratings are and not come up with a total and original story and let it play out and possibly as it goes on and is obviously different could get more popular.  Editor’s aren’t the author’s, they’re there to make sure that the writing/drawing is the best it can be by polishing, checking for grammar and factual mistakes and lucidness,  and refining the story, not forcing material and telling the author what and how to write.

Anyway, this is the first volume and setup to the story.  It has potential, interesting subject matter about reincarnation and remembering a past life, Edo period, etc.; however, with only 4 volumes, doubt it should have been released in the US in English as probably not that good and is probably too formulaic.  Knowing this you can decide whether or not to waste your time and money on another formula story, or if you want to read you can get from your local library (if they don’t have it you can place a purchase request or inter-library loan for it).


Even though I was ready for Vampire Knight  ヴァンパイア騎士(ナイト) by HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり  to end, and didn’t necessarily like the ending (I loved Kuran Kaname 玖蘭 枢 – don’t expect much of him in the short stories in this volume, or Kuran/Cross Yuki 優姫); Vampire Knight Fleeting Dreams by HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり and FUKISAKI Ayuna is a volume of short stories and is still a fun read, with a lot of comedy. 

The volume contains 6 short stories and there are a few problems, at times, with stilted translation (just a little in a few places) and poor proofreading, not what you’d expect from a large company like VIZ.  However, the stories are fun and here is a list of the titles: Deranged Love; Gifts for Yuki; Hidden Love; Queen of the Abyss; A Maiden’s Melancholy; and In A Thousand Years. Do expect some fun from White Lily!


0908_sakisaka_1280 Youth Ride アオハライド (Ao Haru Ride) by SAKISAKA Io 咲坂伊緒  is so popular but not available in the US in English.  So, since her series Strobe Edge ストロボエッジ is fully available I thought I’d give it a try.  Unfortunately, with a few minor things that barely make it worth while to read, it’s basically a rubber stamp version of most shojo story out there now.

I’m not sure why in Japan, and especially in the US, where classic shojo manga that aren’t all alike are not available and would be most appreciated, that they would bother with one more story that you just basically change the names and a few incidences and it’s considered alright.  Isn’t that plagiarism?  Why is shojo now days just the same story over and over and over again with name and minor incident changes.  I’m totally bored with it and I’ve heard others say the same.  I think if I had a grandchild reading manga I wouldn’t want them reading the same thing over and over and not expanding their point of view.  In the past shojo manga had some very different stories and definitely not all romance.  I wish some of the American publishers would go back to the past and bring back some of the classics that aren’t romantic but fun, maybe scary, and/or made you think.

I have heard from several sources lately that the reason all of shojo is becoming homogenized is that the male publishers are pushing for it and don’t want female readers to have access to different ideas.  I don’t know if this is true or not; however, seems very plausible given the state of shojo and josie and even BL manga these days.  There is a growing female magaka underground movement due to this; however, since it’s underground rarely being published and not seen by the masses.


NITTA Youka 新田祐克  has claimed in the past that she wouldn’t write an yakuza manga nor a manga with a main character with long shiny black hair (not that long) – but she does so in Starting with a Kiss キスアリキ。(Kiss Ariki.), published in English by SubLime (VIZ) and originally published by b-BOY HONEY (Libre Shuppan), b-Boy Kichiku (Libre Shuppan), and Be x Boy GOLD (Libre Shuppan).

BL and yakuza seem to be a good match in many stories and is one of the main sub-genre’s of BL.  However, Starting with a Kiss キスアリキ。(Kiss Ariki.) really has nothing much to add to the genre.  It’s not as dark, gritty nor has the depth of the Finder (View Finder) series by YAMANE Ayano やまねあやの or No Money お金がないっ(Okane ga Nai) by SHINOZAKI Hitoyo 篠崎一夜  & KOUSAKA Tohru 香坂透 , not as interesting as Twittering Birds Never Fly 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない (Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai) by YONEDA Kou ヨネダコウ  or one-shot NightS ナイツ by YONEDA Kou ニトロ攻鉄, not as fun as Like the Beast ほんと野獣 (Honto Yajuu) by YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko 山本小鉄子, and the list of better yakuza stories goes on.  Still it’s a decent read full of plotting, incest, etc., though not exactly all that memorable.

Unfortunately, Sublime (VIZ) isn’t putting out the 3rd and final volume in a timely manner at all – it’s not expected until June 2015!  There were only 3 volumes and they could have been done in a few short months – not almost a year.  3 long months between volume 1 and 2 (too much) and then 7 months to wait to finish the series – are they really caring for their audience?  Will the audience even put up with it by buying the last volume?  I know that I forgot the plot and had to reread the 1st volume before continuing with the 2nd and it had been only 3 months! (I don’t usually have that problem with a series – so it’s just not so memorable for me.) 

Not sure if I’d want to go on with such a long wait – and there is no need as the series was finished before it started to be released in the US in English. VIZ should have released all the volumes within 3-6 months at most (or better yet, as a bunkobon), not the almost a year.  This doesn’t seem to happen with the shonen or seinen series – once again making women the second class citizens.  I also wonder why they’re releasing such a series, even if the author is very popular, as there are much better series that should be published and don’t even seem to be up for consideration.


I love the stories that MIZUSHIRO Setona 水城せとな you think you’re going to get another by the numbers shojo manga; however, she always has some very interesting twists to her stories making them worth while.  She’s one of the better shojo story mangka that occasionally gets published in the US.

Black Rose Alice 黒薔薇アリス (Kuro Bara Alice) is finally being published by VIZ in English in the US.  This is a vampire story with a twist with insects and arachnids.  Shorter, stranger, and more enjoyable than  Vampire Knight ヴァンパイア騎士.  This is also a twist on the reverse harem but not in the usual tedious manner that most are written. 

The story starts in Vienna in 1908 and then time jumps to Tokyo in 2008.  Much of the story is about unrequited love.  This is a tragedy.  I really can’t say much more without getting into trouble for writing spoilers.

Looking for romantic love or vampire manga but not the usual story – try this.  Unfortunately, VIZ isn’t putting the volumes out at a rate I’d like – but it’s not too bad, one volume every 3 months – livable. 


I think you all know I’m pretty fed up with the state, in general, of shojo and josei manga these days being mostly romance (although not in the past) and extremely formulaic and banal.  Well, here’s a new spin that is fresh and more than just your ordinary romance (and yes, it is a romance).  The “macho” non-bishie guy gets the cute girl and his strong relationship with his best friend.  Unusual misunderstandings.  Oh, I forgot to tell you that the title is My Love Story!! オレモノガタリ!! (Ore Monogatari!!) and it’s written by KAWAHARA Kazune 河原和音  (who wrote the classic High School Debut 高校デビュー (Koukou Debut))   and art by Aruko アルコ.

I’ve only read volume 1; however, not the usual nasty and overdone stereotypical story, so far, and I hope it continues this way.

It’s wonderful to read something fresh, encouraging, and non-cliched.  And the main characters are all very helpful and truthful, nothing mean or unpleasant and truly care for each other and others in need, the main character is a true and gentle hero.

This is running in Japan in Betsuma (Shueisha) and in the US in English in Shojo Beat (VIZ).  The volume 2 came out in October with volume 3 following in January 2015 and I hope that if you love romance and/or shojo manga but are so very tired of the same rehashed stories, please give this a try.









I started Monster モンスター by URASAWA Naoki 浦沢直樹.  I was riveted and can’t wait for the rest of the series.  Unfortunately, VIZ Signature isn’t putting out these kanzenban in a timely manner, so it may take several years to get out the 9 kanzenban. 

Monster takes place in Germany – both before and after the Berlin wall is dismantled and is about twins, a serial killer, a genius doctor, a BKA detective, and others.  Of course, they all think the serial killer is the monster.  And because the serial killer is someone no one expects, but some know, those in the know are either killed, except for two, and one of the two in the know is blamed for the killings.  The two that know who it is and aren’t killed may turn into monsters themselves by hunting him down, and the detective is also becoming a monster in a way with his closed mind, maybe by the end of the series it will show society as one of the monsters.  So, the monster seems to be making other monsters, but this is just a first impression from the first volume.

This is a great, classic and award winner by an important history making mangaka.



indexHoney Blood 蜜味ブラッド (Mitsu Aji Blood) by MITSUKI Miko 蜜樹みこ: this supernatural tale is creepy; and not in a supernatural way.  The male main character comes across as a pedophile, exhibitionistic playboy, stalker (even if for protection from the “vampire attacker/killer”) and even a murderer as he talks about killing his editor once she’s not food for him; more than the hero of a shojo manga.  There is no chemistry between the two main characters, and since she thinks him such an old geezer, what is she doing hanging around him? Why is her family letting her spend time with an older man by herself?  Even if the mother is a fan of his books, it’s disturbing having a teenager spending so much time alone with an older man and he should be busy writing and not have some teenager in the way.  Plus with all the vampire attacks/killings it’s obvious it’s not him; it’ll probably be someone he knows.  And then there is the poorly thought out contract, she can always leave him and cause him to die if she tires of him, etc., not just when she dies.  I can’t say there’s much mystery/surprise to this manga other than why the two leads get together (it is shojo manga, of course they end up together and form a contract).

Volume 2 is due out in December and there is a volume of one-shots: Honey Blood:Tale 0 coming out in February.  There are only 2 volumes to this series (besides the Tale 0); with such a popular subject as vampires and only 2 regular volumes, you know it’s not good.  Why did VIZ think a bad story in Japan would be a good story in English in the US?  Don’t they know a bad story is a bad story?  There are so many better manga they could have picked to publish in English – so what’s going on here?



I read all 5 volumes of Children of the Sea Kaijuu no Kodomo 海獣の子供 by IGARASHI Daisuke 五十嵐大介.

This beautifully illustrated (especially the color pictures – kept in the US release by VIZ – Sigikki) and charming story is relaxing.

I wonder if it’s just a coincidence that I ended up reading it at the time of the Dia De Los Muertos celebrations.  It reminds me in some ways of the original Aztec (not current Mexican changed by the Spanish and Catholic church) celebrations which are a harvest celebration that lasts about a month.  The Aztec Dia de los Muertos celebration is about duality – life and death, male and female, etc.

For more information on that you can check out the Salinas Family (and if you have a chance catch their dancing at a festival near you – yes, even Japan, besides US, Mexico, and Canada):

Back to the story, it is a seinen supernatural mystery with a compelling story. Weaving connections with the ocean, space, life, and the universe.  Mythological in may aspects and the science is good.  This is a prize/award-winning manga and for good reason.


VIZ has once again published a josei supernatural romance by OHMI Tomu 大海とむ , Spell of Desire 魔女の媚薬 (Majo no Biyaku (Aphrodisiac Witch)).  If  you love supernatural with loads of cute creatures including a cat, a cat that is really a unicorn, and a puppy that is really a dragon, + want some romance you may enjoy her works.  She also wrote Midnight Secretary ミッドナイト・セクレタリ, also published by VIZ for those into supernatural romance.

Spell of Desire 魔女の媚薬 (Majo no Biyaku (Aphrodisiac Witch)), is being published every three months, but they have not publication date for the final volume, # 5. 

The story is about black and white witches and a complicated family life (including missing, presumed dead mother – but not, who is Queen of the Black Witches).  I’ve only read the first volume, so can’t tell you how accurate it is + I’m not Wiccan (although I know several), I’ve had training in several healing, esoteric, and magickal traditions – but not Wicca.  So, I’m not sure until I read more what to think about her research (if she did any at all into Wicca), but doubt she did any research into Wicaa.  Maybe she’s looked at some herbal and New Age stuff – that seems likely from volume 1.  But I’m sure most of you don’t know anything about this stuff and couldn’t care less about how accurate it is.  I like a strong story but like accuracy also. 

OHMI Tomu 大海とむ does come up with some strong stories and loves to write about the supernatural, often with animals and secret relationships.


I read The Man of Tango タンゴの男 and thought it was my first bara manga from the drawings; however, the author, OKADAYA Tetuzoh 岡田屋鉄蔵, is a woman and claims it’s BL.  It just proves everyone has different taste.

This is a solid story, and lucky US audiences get the full story and beginning one shot; which the Japanese first printing didn’t have.

The title tells it all, about men and Tango.  At first, I thought the women from the drawings were drag queens or transvestites or intersexual; however, they really are women that just look like men in drag (another reason I thought maybe bara).

The chapter titles are for the most part (maybe all) based on Argentinian Tango song titles.

If you can get past the drawings (very muscular and not bishie (to me)), the story is good.  Check out the songs from the chapter titles on Youtube.

ikigami-vol-3How do you handle injustice?  Do you just sit back and be apathetic and/or wait for someone else to protest and make things right or give up without trying?  Is that moral?  Ethical?  Can one person make a difference or is it up to all of society to make a difference, and not give into corrupt government policies?  Can you even trust those around you that you think you can trust when you have such a corrupt government?  When does letting government get away with unethical policies become the tipping point in a society?  When do you give up and flee? This book is about one man’s struggle with these questions and others.

The last volume of Ikigame – The Ultimate Limit イキガミ by MASE Motoro 間瀬元朗 was recently released in the US.  I loved this story from the beginning and looked forward every August for the next volume to be released by VIZ Signature.

This is a moralistic tale of government and individual ethics.  I would hope that people reading this manga come away with more than mere entertainment and seriously contemplate the ethical issues and how to make a change for the better.

I hope to read more manga by MASE Motoro 間瀬元朗, I enjoy not just the intelligent tale but the ideals he’s trying to get across.

Read the rest of this entry »


Looking for BL with some intrigue, or maybe a nice slice of life with a car dealership, or just some real story BL shorts.  You may want to try NightS ナイツ by YONEDA Kou ニトロ攻鉄 (more known for her doujinshi).  What the book is missing is NightS – Another Story, a prequel that should have been included.

This volume has  more of Reply than NightS in it and another one shot.  It’s not that usual for SubLime (VIZ) to release a book of one shots and super short series.  However, once again, this is worth the read.  The stories are NightS (with an extra at the end – A Night One Month Later), Emotional Spectrum, and a short series (why wasn’t the book titled after this) – Reply (parts I & II), Reply to Reply, Reply Three Months Later – this short series takes up most of the book.



When starting a new series by an author that one’s read before, one hopes that it’s better than the last – no matter how good the last series was, or at least as good.  Unfortunately, in the case of Voice Over! – Seiyuu Academy 声優かっ! (Seiyuu Ka!) by MINAMI Maki 南マキ it’s not as good as S.A.  S・A スペシャル・エー was. The characters, especially many of the secondary characters, are mostly unmemorable and many look too much a like. The story, while it has some original points, reminds me in many ways of at least two other better manga (one  shojo, one shonen – can you guess? hint – both published also by VIZ). It’s surprising it lasted 12 volumes, not as long as S・A スペシャル・エー lasted (17 volumes and sequel for a total of 18 volumes).

Also, the emotionally abusive parent(s) (hints that there may be more than one of the characters with severely dysfunctional families – I’m only 5 volumes in and may not finish) could be handled better.

However, if you’re a cat lover, you will love all the cats and Catherine’s Diary.  Unfortunately, there are so many cats, that in real life it would also start to be considered an abusive situation.  There are tons of stories in the news all the time of people taking on too many discarded animals than they can take care, which then becomes a form of abuse as the animals don’t get the attention, if not the food and clean conditions (although in this case they do get the food and cleanliness) that is needed.

The idea for the series, based on voice actors, is a good idea, but from what I’ve read so far the material is not all that original.  Also, the story is a gender bender and it seems to be turning into a reverse harem, which can get to be boring at times if not done properly.  The comedy is not as much as one would hope for in a comedy.


AfterschoolCharismaThe first thing I need to say is too much male fan service in the 1st volume – and this is seinen, not shonen – so there is usually less male fan service (although usually directed toward a male reading audience – at least in theory).  The overwhelming male fan service gets in the way of the good story for After School Charisma 放課後のカリスマ (Houkago no Charisma) by SUEKANE Kumiko スエカネクミコ, a female mangaka!

However, this ongoing series with 9 volumes out in the US (volume 10 due out in December 2014) and 10 in Japan (if my sources are correct), and if she would remember she’s writing for an adult audience and not an adolescent audience, is a good story about clones, with a clone war. 

It takes place in a different timeline – possible parallel world.  The story revolves around clones and world domination by clones, killing off the clones, using them as slaves by selling them off and no freedom to choose a life they want to live, hiding the fact that one is a clone for a while and trying to use him for others means in the coming actions about clone domination or clone wars to kill them off, several different factions – appearing at times to be working together, even at times same goals but really working against each other – in a nutshell, full of intrigue.   Hints at romance, but some probably are more for manipulation than love. 

One wonders about how all these murders and human rights violations that are gotten away with and condoned, but then there is, at first, the element of a secret elite group of rich and powerful behind it. 

The story is promising and published by Ikki (Shogakukan) in Japan and Ikki VIZ in the US in English.





Another manga  with a message is Otomen オトメン(乙男) by KANNO Aya 菅野文.    This was one of the first shojo manga series that was ongoing that I started about 5 years ago and just finished the series.  This series was published by Bessatsu Hana to Yume  別冊花とゆめ in Japan and Shojo Beat VIZ in English in the US.  There was a live action series based on the manga; however, I’ve not seen it.

This is a allegory that is a few decades dated, although ran in Bessatsu Hana to Yume 2006 – 2012.  At least, there have been enough advances made in female and gender equalities where the miscreant is a woman and mother of the principle character (who doesn’t live by the message she’s trying to force on her son and those around him).  Anyway, it’s about being who you are and accepting others for who they are.  The telling is rudimentary; however, the story is aimed at teenage girls, who aren’t necessarily that sophisticated.  Still, it’s a fitting piece to read with a pleasurable story with a message that all should remember – not to force stereotypical gender identities on people and to accept them for whom they are.


I just took about 4 hours to read the first 12 volumes of Dawn of Arcana 黎明のアルカナ (Reimei no Arcana) by TOMA Rei 藤間麗.  The last volume should be out in September and it’s published in English in the US by VIZ and originally published in Cheese! (Shogakukan) in Japan.

This is a story with many hidden secrets and about the destructive power of favoritism in families and bigotry within families and in society.  The story is a bit naive at times – but it’s written for a young audience who wouldn’t appreciate a more sophisticated version of this story.  The story is a very quick read for shojo manga – almost a quick as reading shonen battle manga.  There are many of the usual things found in romantic shojo – the other lovers/spouses – but not too much and is more adventure than romance and battle and much of it is tragic.

There are mysterious powers, hidden agendas, hatred towards family, killings, nasty politics, genocide, hidden relationships, and good messages about accepting others for themselves, discrimination’s destruction both within families and society, and building peace.

A quick, enjoyable read for a lazy summer afternoon with a good message. 

Tarot cards with the characters were one of the freebies in Japan (Arcana (not in the story) alludes to the major and minor Arcana – which make up a tarot deck).


I’m sure that those of you that love Comic Zero-Sum (Ichijinsha), are so excited that VIZ has finally bought the rights and is publishing a volume every other month of 07-Ghost セブンゴースト by AMEMIYA Yuki 雨宮ゆき and ICHIHARA Yukino 市原てつ乃.  This is a good rate of release for this completed 17 volume series.

They did not pick up the side story (at least not that I know of) 07-Ghost: Children.

One other thing that Go!Comi did but VIZ isn’t doing, and almost never does in any series, the color pages were in color.  If you’re like me this is one of the things about VIZ that I hate, they usually do the color pages in black and white (I actually can’t remember ever seeing any color pages in color with VIZ).

Since I’m not a fan of Comic Zero-Sum (Ichijinsha), I’ve started many of their series, including 07-Ghost, but have been super bored with the bishie battle manga that seems to be what they produce, that I’ve never finished or gotten close to finishing any of their manga.


Hide and Seek Himegoto Asobi 秘めごとあそび is a spin-off of Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love Yume Musubi Koi Musubi  夢結び恋結び by SAKURAGI Yaya 桜城やや  – only better.  Published by SubLime (VIZ).

The story is interesting and only 3 volumes long.  However, there is a problem as I can’t find the publication date for the last volume – so don’t know if VIZ dropped this fun series or not.  Once again, they’re treating their female audience as second class citizens with 8 months between the publication of volumes 1 and 2, when it’s a popular series and short – it should have been released as a bunkobon or within 3-6 months at most.

This is the story of Tanihara’s romance with a doctor who looks like he’s yakuza.  Tanihara is Ryoumei’s best friend from Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love Yume Musubi Koi Musubi  夢結び恋結び.  There are some of the usual generic (boring) story lines involved; however, overall this is an amusing read.  Both titles were originally published in Asuka Ciel (Kadokawa Shoten) in Japan.


Barrage Sensei no Barrage 戦星のバルジ by Kouhei Horikoshi 堀越耕平; I don’t understand why Jump did this story in the first place – really boring.  Let alone it couldn’t last 4 months in Weekly Shonen Jump.  Then to even release it in the US – what a waste of $.  Don’t bother wasting your time on this poorly written/drawn/storyline.  Not what one thinks of when one thinks Jump.

I’ve noticed in recent years the newer Jump stories haven’t appealed to me at all.


Sexy Voice and Robo セクシーボイスアンドロボ by KURODA Iou 黒田硫黄  is a seinen bunkobon put out by Ikki (VIZ).  The drawing styles is older and the stories are supposedly based on some true stories with some fictionalized.  This is supposedly on hiatus.  However, it’s been over 10 years on hiatus.

There is a live action tv series based on it that I’ve not seen. 

The stories center around a teenage girl, doing some phone scamming work, a clueless phone customer & robot otaku of hers she gets involved and uses him as an assistant, and an old man (yakuza) who hires her to do some spy/detective work.  The stories are fresh and interesting.

Some of the pages are cut-off, so you can’t read the full speech bubble.  Again, VIZ should have done a better job on proofing the final so pages weren’t cut off.


As usual VIZ Shojo Beat treating their female audience as second class citizens.  Skip Beat! スキップ・ビート! by NAKAMURA Yoshiki 仲村佳樹 is almost 2 volumes behind  in the US in English – with the next volume not scheduled out in the US in English until September!  Dengeki Daisy  電撃デイジー by MOTOMI Kyousuke 最富キョウスケis finished in Japan, but we’re 3 volumes behind with no scheduled release date for the last volume and the way they’re releasing it will be about a year from now or longer.  Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 by HATORI Bisco 葉鳥ビスコ is two volumes behind Japan, with nothing coming out until June.  I could go on and on.  These and other shojo titles are very popular manga, and VIZ should treat them and their readers the same way they treat the shonen, seinen, and BL readers – getting the volumes out in a timely manner.


So you’re looking to read some josei romantic comedy.  You may want to try ENJOUJI Maki 円城寺マキ , who’s works include Happy Marriage Hapi Mari はぴまり ~Happy Marriage!?~ (licensed by VIZ) and Yoru Café – My Sweet Knights ヨルカフェ。(not licensed yet in English – someone please license and publish this short sweet series as a bunkobon or get the three tankobons out in 1-3 months).

VIZ has just started publishing Happy Marriage Hapi Mari はぴまり ~Happy Marriage!?~and I’m so glad to be reading it in English and it’s scheduled releases are every other month.  So far I’ve gotten the first four volumes and enjoying rereading this fun romantic comedy, which is different from you usual romantic comedies – probably why I don’t have a problem with reading her works.


tableau numero 20

I just read this Est Em えすとえむbook published by SubLime (VIZ).  Tableau Numéro 20 Sakuhin Number 20 作品ナンバー20 is a supernatural (not spooky) story that takes up 3 chapters of the volume and the rest are slice of life one shots – some mildly graphic, some shonen-ai.

Est Em えすとえむ is one of the more popular BL writers; however, this is my first time reading her (I think).  There is definitely more here than mindless 801.  I would like to read something longer before forming an opinion about her work.  Some of the stories I like and some were just stories – better by far than two recent June volumes I read (wish I hadn’t wasted the time – and been meaning to write-up, but they were so very, very bad).

The stories are about different things but all take place in Europe and the titles reflect that – mostly Spain and  France.  The story Tableau Numéro 20 Sakuhin Number 20 作品ナンバー20 is about a painting that comes to life and solves a mystery – but for only one person; another story is about a Flamenco dancer and group;  another story is about two life long friends and a merry-go-round; and one is about young and old love and forgetting your most loved even when they’re with you due to medical (non-Alzheimer) condition.  Solid stories nonetheless, just not long enough for me.


I just started Nisekoi ニセコイ by KOMI Naoshi 古味直志.  I believe the title means False Love.  This is a romantic school life comedy shonen story about yakuza and foreign gang and the forceful fake pairing of the children, who hate each other, to keep the peace.

The boy already has someone else he’s interested in and there is a  relationship hidden by that girl from the past between them.  However, with the false love relationship he can’t move towards this supposedly destined love.  Since I’ve not read past volume 1, I don’t know what will happen in the next several volumes of this ongoing series; however, it would be nice if the false love romance girl also falls in love with someone else.  Since I’ve really not read much shonen romantic comedies (are all of them harem?), I don’t know what will happen.

This is a Weekly Shonen Jump (VIZ) and so far seems to be not really battle; however, has the potential of becoming a harem manga, and since it’s Jump – battle manga also.  I’ve only read the first volume so can’t speak to the rest of the series.  

In Japan there is an anime this season and the manga is up to volume 10, at least.  The series started in 2011 and I really have no more information about it. 

It’s a nice break from the normal battle manga from Jump.  However, I’m not so sure I’m feeling like reading a romantic comedy, especially if it’s harem.  It seems well written and drawn, which one would expect from Weekly Shonen Jump.  Also, a nice change of pace from all the battle manga that they produce.


Why is  VIZ taking almost a year to publish the next volume of Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 by Bisco Hatori 葉鳥ビスコ (the series originally published in LaLa and LaLa DX in Japan) from when the tankobon was published in Japan?

Bisco Hatori 葉鳥ビスコ restarted writing Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 after she finished the big hit, Ouran High School Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Bu  桜蘭高校ホスト部Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 is a cute supernatural shojo dramatic comedy that was not finished before she wrote Ouran High School Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Bu  桜蘭高校ホスト部.  This is a tale of an ill human girl, a vampire with his sidekick bat and a werewolf, among others.

VIZ usually does a decent job in recent years about keeping up in a reasonable manner with shonen and BL titles.  However, many times with shojo, like Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪, they really fall down on keeping up with the Japanese publications.

I wonder if they’re not taking their female readers seriously?  They stopped publishing Shojo Beat long before they stopped Shonen Jump and didn’t give the readers the choice to read online as with Jump (which should be coming out now simultaneously in English with Japan starting this week).

VIZ please start to keep all of your titles, whether shojo, BL, josei, shonen, or seinen up to date and out as quickly as possible.  It would be nice also, if they added on-line updates in English to all of their titles, not just the Jump titles, as they come out in Japan.  I really prefer reading in paper; however, would consider getting an on-line subscription if it was more than Jump (I used to get both Shojo Beat and Jump until they stopped printing them – although the pink and blue ink in Shojo Beat was dreadful).



VIZ has finally published a classic josei series: Midnight Secretary           ミッドナイト・セクレタリ by OHMI Tomu 大海とむ.  It’s about time that there is some josei out there that is non-BL; unfortunately, it’s a romance.

Since this is a classic those of you out there probably know something about it even if you’ve not read it.  It’s about vampires, secretaries, and corporate elite.  Basic romance for adults this is not a manga for kids.

If you’re old enough, check it out, if that’s your thing.  If you’re not sure about it you can check it out from your local library (or request they purchase it) and see if you want to continue.  For those of you into collecting classic manga this is one for your collections (if you collect josei).

This is a  short 7 volume finished series and VIZ could be releasing these volumes quicker.

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers

I’ve been reading Ōoku: The Inner Chambers 大奥 by YOSHINAGA Fumi よしながふみ since it started to be published by VIZ Signature in the US.

I really love this seinen, historic, drama series.  Although YOSHINAGA Fumi よしながふみ is known for her BL, this is seinen (so many good BL mangaka write great seinen).  It’s an excellent series.

I am not very happy with the translation/adaptation and it’s overuse of archaic English language which makes it very distracting.  Historic novels/manga often comes out in regular present day English and is not as distracting and the audience knows that it takes place when during its setting and English was different (besides this is Japan not England/US and the archaic English may not be all that accurate – but since I’m not a linguist I’m not sure).

Another problem I’m starting to find is although the society is run by women, the society after 150 years (volume 8 is 150 years after volume 1), the society hasn’t changed much to reflect it is run by women, but still a copy of a patriarchal society.  I highly doubt, especially after this amount of time, that the society wouldn’t have changed in many ways and to a much greater degree being run by women.

Still with these flaws the story is worth reading.


I got the  award winning series, Cross Game  クロスゲーム by ADACHI Mitsuru あだち充 in my delivery.

I’m not a Shonen Sunday fan – too much gratuitous and blatant male fan service done in poor taste.  .

The story is rather predictable except for ****SPOILER**** the tragedy at the end of the first volume. This is a sports manga and I know nothing nor care at all for sports – so wouldn’t usually read this, not just because it’s sports but also Shonen Sunday.

It also contains a lot of corny inside jokes.

I doubt that anyone expects a mangaka to know much about math or science or many other things (however, I love when they do their research).  Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that you can write just anything and think it makes sense and is real (unless it’s fantasy or science fiction, etc. – but then they still wouldn’t be able to get away with non-sense as math/science).  In one scene there was a blackboard with supposed math equations (or science if some of the letters were coefficients – too many coefficients for the equations and unknown ones at that – if that’s what they were supposed to be – not high school level); however, they were unsolvable, and even if you were using linear algebra would need several equations for the matrix and would be above a high school level.  Please, if you don’t know what you’re writing/drawing, look it up.  It should be easy to get a high school math or science book to look up something, and really with a high school education should be noticeable that these are not a legitimate nor solvable equations.

That said, if you’re an adolescent boy into baseball this story may appeal to you.