Archives for posts with tag: Shojo Beat

i184849I really had good hopes for Yukarism ゆかりズム by SHIOMI Chika 潮見知佳, as her Raisetsu らせつの花 (Rasetsu no Hana) wasn’t so bad (but I read that years ago when starting to read manga).  The idea isn’t all that unusual for shojo, so there is the problem of another formula series.  This is of real concern when I read that she was pressured into writing it by her editor and it wasn’t a period or subject she was interested in and didn’t know much about.  Also, there are only 4 finished volumes in Japan, so that is telling too, if it was better, with the way it was written, there would have been more volumes.

I think this is another reason there is so much wrong with shojo, shonen, BL, and josie manga these days (much less than in seinen).  The editors are basically writing the stories and they have a formula and go along and make changes according to how the ratings are and not come up with a total and original story and let it play out and possibly as it goes on and is obviously different could get more popular.  Editor’s aren’t the author’s, they’re there to make sure that the writing/drawing is the best it can be by polishing, checking for grammar and factual mistakes and lucidness,  and refining the story, not forcing material and telling the author what and how to write.

Anyway, this is the first volume and setup to the story.  It has potential, interesting subject matter about reincarnation and remembering a past life, Edo period, etc.; however, with only 4 volumes, doubt it should have been released in the US in English as probably not that good and is probably too formulaic.  Knowing this you can decide whether or not to waste your time and money on another formula story, or if you want to read you can get from your local library (if they don’t have it you can place a purchase request or inter-library loan for it).


I think you all know I’m pretty fed up with the state, in general, of shojo and josei manga these days being mostly romance (although not in the past) and extremely formulaic and banal.  Well, here’s a new spin that is fresh and more than just your ordinary romance (and yes, it is a romance).  The “macho” non-bishie guy gets the cute girl and his strong relationship with his best friend.  Unusual misunderstandings.  Oh, I forgot to tell you that the title is My Love Story!! オレモノガタリ!! (Ore Monogatari!!) and it’s written by KAWAHARA Kazune 河原和音  (who wrote the classic High School Debut 高校デビュー (Koukou Debut))   and art by Aruko アルコ.

I’ve only read volume 1; however, not the usual nasty and overdone stereotypical story, so far, and I hope it continues this way.

It’s wonderful to read something fresh, encouraging, and non-cliched.  And the main characters are all very helpful and truthful, nothing mean or unpleasant and truly care for each other and others in need, the main character is a true and gentle hero.

This is running in Japan in Betsuma (Shueisha) and in the US in English in Shojo Beat (VIZ).  The volume 2 came out in October with volume 3 following in January 2015 and I hope that if you love romance and/or shojo manga but are so very tired of the same rehashed stories, please give this a try.








indexHoney Blood 蜜味ブラッド (Mitsu Aji Blood) by MITSUKI Miko 蜜樹みこ: this supernatural tale is creepy; and not in a supernatural way.  The male main character comes across as a pedophile, exhibitionistic playboy, stalker (even if for protection from the “vampire attacker/killer”) and even a murderer as he talks about killing his editor once she’s not food for him; more than the hero of a shojo manga.  There is no chemistry between the two main characters, and since she thinks him such an old geezer, what is she doing hanging around him? Why is her family letting her spend time with an older man by herself?  Even if the mother is a fan of his books, it’s disturbing having a teenager spending so much time alone with an older man and he should be busy writing and not have some teenager in the way.  Plus with all the vampire attacks/killings it’s obvious it’s not him; it’ll probably be someone he knows.  And then there is the poorly thought out contract, she can always leave him and cause him to die if she tires of him, etc., not just when she dies.  I can’t say there’s much mystery/surprise to this manga other than why the two leads get together (it is shojo manga, of course they end up together and form a contract).

Volume 2 is due out in December and there is a volume of one-shots: Honey Blood:Tale 0 coming out in February.  There are only 2 volumes to this series (besides the Tale 0); with such a popular subject as vampires and only 2 regular volumes, you know it’s not good.  Why did VIZ think a bad story in Japan would be a good story in English in the US?  Don’t they know a bad story is a bad story?  There are so many better manga they could have picked to publish in English – so what’s going on here?



When starting a new series by an author that one’s read before, one hopes that it’s better than the last – no matter how good the last series was, or at least as good.  Unfortunately, in the case of Voice Over! – Seiyuu Academy 声優かっ! (Seiyuu Ka!) by MINAMI Maki 南マキ it’s not as good as S.A.  S・A スペシャル・エー was. The characters, especially many of the secondary characters, are mostly unmemorable and many look too much a like. The story, while it has some original points, reminds me in many ways of at least two other better manga (one  shojo, one shonen – can you guess? hint – both published also by VIZ). It’s surprising it lasted 12 volumes, not as long as S・A スペシャル・エー lasted (17 volumes and sequel for a total of 18 volumes).

Also, the emotionally abusive parent(s) (hints that there may be more than one of the characters with severely dysfunctional families – I’m only 5 volumes in and may not finish) could be handled better.

However, if you’re a cat lover, you will love all the cats and Catherine’s Diary.  Unfortunately, there are so many cats, that in real life it would also start to be considered an abusive situation.  There are tons of stories in the news all the time of people taking on too many discarded animals than they can take care, which then becomes a form of abuse as the animals don’t get the attention, if not the food and clean conditions (although in this case they do get the food and cleanliness) that is needed.

The idea for the series, based on voice actors, is a good idea, but from what I’ve read so far the material is not all that original.  Also, the story is a gender bender and it seems to be turning into a reverse harem, which can get to be boring at times if not done properly.  The comedy is not as much as one would hope for in a comedy.


Another manga  with a message is Otomen オトメン(乙男) by KANNO Aya 菅野文.    This was one of the first shojo manga series that was ongoing that I started about 5 years ago and just finished the series.  This series was published by Bessatsu Hana to Yume  別冊花とゆめ in Japan and Shojo Beat VIZ in English in the US.  There was a live action series based on the manga; however, I’ve not seen it.

This is a allegory that is a few decades dated, although ran in Bessatsu Hana to Yume 2006 – 2012.  At least, there have been enough advances made in female and gender equalities where the miscreant is a woman and mother of the principle character (who doesn’t live by the message she’s trying to force on her son and those around him).  Anyway, it’s about being who you are and accepting others for who they are.  The telling is rudimentary; however, the story is aimed at teenage girls, who aren’t necessarily that sophisticated.  Still, it’s a fitting piece to read with a pleasurable story with a message that all should remember – not to force stereotypical gender identities on people and to accept them for whom they are.

As usual VIZ Shojo Beat treating their female audience as second class citizens.  Skip Beat! スキップ・ビート! by NAKAMURA Yoshiki 仲村佳樹 is almost 2 volumes behind  in the US in English – with the next volume not scheduled out in the US in English until September!  Dengeki Daisy  電撃デイジー by MOTOMI Kyousuke 最富キョウスケis finished in Japan, but we’re 3 volumes behind with no scheduled release date for the last volume and the way they’re releasing it will be about a year from now or longer.  Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 by HATORI Bisco 葉鳥ビスコ is two volumes behind Japan, with nothing coming out until June.  I could go on and on.  These and other shojo titles are very popular manga, and VIZ should treat them and their readers the same way they treat the shonen, seinen, and BL readers – getting the volumes out in a timely manner.


Why is  VIZ taking almost a year to publish the next volume of Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 by Bisco Hatori 葉鳥ビスコ (the series originally published in LaLa and LaLa DX in Japan) from when the tankobon was published in Japan?

Bisco Hatori 葉鳥ビスコ restarted writing Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 after she finished the big hit, Ouran High School Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Bu  桜蘭高校ホスト部Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪 is a cute supernatural shojo dramatic comedy that was not finished before she wrote Ouran High School Host Club Ouran Koukou Host Bu  桜蘭高校ホスト部.  This is a tale of an ill human girl, a vampire with his sidekick bat and a werewolf, among others.

VIZ usually does a decent job in recent years about keeping up in a reasonable manner with shonen and BL titles.  However, many times with shojo, like Millennium Snow Sennen no Yuki  千年の雪, they really fall down on keeping up with the Japanese publications.

I wonder if they’re not taking their female readers seriously?  They stopped publishing Shojo Beat long before they stopped Shonen Jump and didn’t give the readers the choice to read online as with Jump (which should be coming out now simultaneously in English with Japan starting this week).

VIZ please start to keep all of your titles, whether shojo, BL, josei, shonen, or seinen up to date and out as quickly as possible.  It would be nice also, if they added on-line updates in English to all of their titles, not just the Jump titles, as they come out in Japan.  I really prefer reading in paper; however, would consider getting an on-line subscription if it was more than Jump (I used to get both Shojo Beat and Jump until they stopped printing them – although the pink and blue ink in Shojo Beat was dreadful).


Thank you alexielart for the use of your fan art: Vampire knight: Caged

Thank you alexielart for the use of your fan art: Vampire knight: Caged

Finally, after 5 years of waiting the 2 seasons of Vampire Knight ヴァンパイア騎士 anime (Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty) have been released.  There was no reason for the long wait.

For those of you that prefer English dubbed, the voice actors are, as usual with VIZ, better;  although, many of the voice actors you will know from even FUNimation, etc. (I never understand why FUNimation has the worst voice acting (is it the bad directing and the generic sounding voices?) and everyone sounds the same – a real plus to learning Japanese or at least listening to Japanese and using subtitles.)  However, I still prefer the Japanese voice actors.  Depending on my mood I may switch back and forth to check out the quality of the voices, etc.  I know many anime otaku that have learned some Japanese due to the poor quality, in general, of the American voice actors used routinely in anime and listen in Japanese.

Another thing I hate about VIZ anime is that many times they do not have credits in English.  Please add credits in English!

As you know, the manga series of  Vampire Knight ヴァンパイア騎士 by HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり recently finished in LaLa.  As usual with Shojo Beat (VIZ) the shojo manga releases in the US are way behind the Japanese releases by about 10 months!  There really is no reason to be making fans wait so long for this extremely popular manga.

I have to admit that I became very bored in the middle of the series (and  I do know the ending and don’t like it); however, was a big fan and the beginning few arcs and the ending arc are a good read – just wished it ended differently.

HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり really improved greatly during the series with her artwork and even her story telling and look forward to her next series.  I have read all of her series that have been translated into English in the US in the past and think she’s grown quite a bit as a mangaka.

VIZ/Shojo Beat – please get the manga and anime out in a more timely manner as you do for the Jump series.

Thank you alexielart for the use of your fan art: Vampire knight: Caged

 Thank you Curryuku for the use of your fan art: OTOMEN

Thank you Curryuku for the use of your fan art: OTOMEN

I really like this light and fluffy series called Otomen オトメン(乙男) by KANNO Aya 菅野文.  Volume 15 is out in the US in English and there are 18 volumes total in the series.  My only complaint is that the volumes haven’t been released fast enough by Shojo Beat (VIZ).  Volume 16 will come out in August 2013, volume 17 in January 2014 and no release date for the last volume.  That’s just too long between volumes on a series already finished.

This sweet story about people accepting themselves for who they are and following their true paths is a shojo school life romantic comedy.  Strong characters, nothing too edgy, gentle lessons on acceptance and lots of fun to read. These lessons on acceptance are very important for anyone and it’s great that Bessatsu Hana to Yume 別冊花とゆめ has included a series like this and it’s not done in a preachy manner.

Although a school life shojo, missing a lot of the annoying common place arcs.  Other common arcs are done in an fashion so as not to grate on the nerves and actually seem like a necessary part of the story, not just placed there because it’s de rigueur for shojo manga.

I’ve not read anything else by KANNO Aya 菅野文; however, look forward to her next manga series.

I understand there is also a television drama.  I’ve not seen it but would happily watch it if it was released on DVD in the US.

Thank you Curryuku for the use of your fan art: OTOMEN

This is just a personal opinion.

I’d like to see the following series published in the US in English (some can be found in Japanese kanji, French, and Spanish (some are in other languages like German, Chinese, etc.)).  This list is not complete:


Thank you Jeneko for the use of your fan art:Natsuyuki Rendezvous!

Thank you Jeneko for the use of your fan art:Natsuyuki Rendezvous!

Thank you 0214 for the use of your fan art: Sakamichi

Thank you 0214 for the use of your fan art: Sakamichi

Thank you fuwishi for the use of your fan/cosplay art:Rendezvous

Thank you fuwishi for the use of your fan/cosplay art:Rendezvous

Princess Jellyfish Kuragehime 海月姫 by HIGASHIMURA Akiko 東村アキコ

Happy Marriage Hapi Mari はぴまりby ENJOUJI Maki 円城寺マキ

Natsuyuki Rendezvous 夏雪ランデブー by KAWACHI Haruka 河内遙

Sekine’s Love SEKINE-KUN NO KOI 関根くんの恋 by KAWACHI Haruka     河内遙

Kids on the Slope Sakamichi no Apollon  坂道のアポロン by KODAMA Yuki 小玉ユキ

Yoru Café. – My Sweet Knights  ヨルカフェ。by ENJOUJI Maki 円城寺マキ

5-ji Kara 9-ji Made From Five to Nine 5時から9時まで by AIHARA Miki     相原実貴

Diamond Life  ダイヤモンド・ライフ by FUJIWARA Akira 藤原晶

Light of the Firefly Hotaru no Hikari ホタルノヒカリ by HIURA Satoru         ひうらさとる


Thank you Ultimate-Low for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi manga coloring

Thank you Ultimate-Low for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi manga coloring

Thank you Seunghana for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi hatsukoi Yukina kou Kisa Shouta ~VI

Thank you Seunghana for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi hatsukoi Yukina kou Kisa Shouta ~VI

World’s Greatest First Love: The Case of Onodera Ritsu Sekaiichi Hatsukoi  世界一初恋 ~小野寺律の場合~ by NAKAMURA Shungiku         中村春菊

Pure Romance Junjou Romantica  純情ロマンチカ by NAKAMURA Shungiku 中村春菊(was once partially published in the US)

Love Stage!! ラブ・ステージ!!  by EIKI Eiki 影木栄貴and ZAOU Taishi       藏王大志

Back Stage!! by EIKI Eiki 影木栄貴and ZAOU Taishi 藏王大志

Mr. Kayashima’s Graceful Life Kayashimashi no Yuuga na Seikatsu       茅島氏の優雅な生活~プロポーズ編~ by TONO Haruhi 遠野春日and MAMAHARA Ellie 麻々原絵里依

Like the Beast Honto Yajuu ほんと野獣 by YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko           山本小鉄子

Another Sleepless Night Konya mo Nemurenai 今夜も眠れない by YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko 山本小鉄子

A Blessing on Your House! Omairi desu yo  お参りですよ by YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko 山本小鉄子

No Money Okane ga Nai お金がないっ by SHINOZAKI Hitoyo 篠崎一夜and KOUSAKA Tohru 香坂透

Cool as you Toshishita no Ryuugi 年下の流儀 by MARUYA Kae 円屋榎英

(most titles in Asuka Ciel)


Anything by AKINO Matsuri 秋乃茉莉

Hakkenden – Touhou Hakken Ibun  八犬伝 東方八犬異聞 by ABE Miyuki あべ美幸and TAKIZAWA Bakin タキザワバキン

Honey Bitter ハニービター by OBANA Miho 小花美穂

Spirit Detective Yakumo Shinrei Tantei Yakumo 心霊探偵八雲 by KAMINAGA Manabu 神永学 and illustrated by ODA Suzuka                    小田すずか(manga)

Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi no  あかやあかしやあやかしの by HaccaWorks* and Nanao 七生

The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor Torikagosou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunintachi 鳥籠荘の今日も眠たい住人たち by KABEI Yukako     壁井ユカコand TAKARAI Rihito 宝井理人

Two Soaked in Sin Tsumi ni Nureta Futari 罪に濡れたふたり by KITAGAWA Miyuki 北川みゆき


Youko x Boku SS Inu x Boku SS 妖狐×僕SS by FUJIWARA Cocoa           藤原ここあ


Ito Junji’s Cat Diary 伊藤潤二の猫日記よん&むー by ITOU Junji 伊藤潤二

My Girl マイガール (佐原 ミズ) by SAHARA Mizu 夢花李

Piano Forrest Piano no Mori: The Perfect World of Kai ピアノの森 – The perfect world of KAI by ISSHIKI Makoto 一色まこと

Thank you Rini-chi for the use of your fan art: Demo: Hakkenden

Thank you Miyukiko for the use of your fan art: Inu x Boku SS

Thank you piratekit for the use of your fan art: Desktop

Thank you Seunghana for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi hatsukoi Yukina kou Kisa Shouta ~VI

Thank you fuwishi for the use of your fan/cosplay art:Rendezvous

Thank you 0214 for the use of your fan art: Sakamichi

Thank you Jeneko for the use of your fan art:Natsuyuki Rendezvous!

Thank you Ultimate-Low for the use of your fan art: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi manga coloring

Tail of the Moon Tsuki no Shippo 月のしっぽ and Tail of the Moon Prequel: The Other Hanzo Tsuki no Toiki Ai no Kizu  月の吐息 愛の傷 by UEDA Rinko 上田倫子 – I just read this shojo classic first published in Margaret マーガレット , then released in US by VIZ Shojo Beat.

This is not too edgy shojo comedy, drama, historic fiction with some action.  If you have an empty day and looking to read some shojo, this 15 volume + prequel series may be alright.  For most of the series a very light and fluffy comedy; however, starting with Vol 12 gets a bit heavy for the 11-15 year old audience for which Margaret マーガレット is written, doing some battle/war story arc.  Although, for most readers there will never be a doubt and the author does give unneeded spoilers at the beginning of the series, the war arc could be bit too much for a younger audience with not enough experience in reading to know how it will end, which could be upsetting.

Also, for those that want their history fiction to be more accurate – this one isn’t for you.