Archives for posts with tag: psychic


I just started Spiritual Police スピリチュアル ポリス, which is a spin-0ff of Otodama (Otodama: Voice From the Dead) オトダマ – 音霊 –, which I’ve not read, by NITTA Youka 新田祐克, better known for her classic Embracing Love Haru o Daite Ita 春を抱いていた and published in English in the US by SubLime (VIZ).

This is a detective mystery drama BL that is extremely gruesome, and possibly, at least when it comes to corruption within politics and police right on (but not exactly like this since it’s science fiction).  I have to admit that this is too gruesome for me – I’m talking about ****spoiler alert**** eyes being gouged out of one of the main characters, rape, slavery, blackmail, etc – all to the main couple.  There may be are other very edgy things going on with both the main characters further into the story that will be just too edgy for me, so I’m not sure if I’ll continue the series, even though it would be unusual and very unlikely to have an unhappy ending in BL.

The series does have a solid story, which is a good point for it and not the usual story found in so much BL.  Since it’s a spin-off and Japan isn’t much ahead of the US English version of  Spiritual Police スピリチュアル ポリス(well done VIZ), it would have been best if Otodama (Otodama: Voice From the Dead) オトダマ – 音霊 – had been published in the US in English first and released, since it’s only 3 volumes, giving the time for Spiritual Police スピリチュアル ポリス to have more volumes before starting it.

Shi ga Futari o Wakatsu Made

Shi ga Futari o Wakatsu Made


I just started to read Shi ga Futari o Wakatsu Made Until Death Do Us Part 死がふたりを分かつまで by TAKASHIGE Hiroshi たかしげ 宙 and DOUBLE-S 송 지형 and published in the US by Yen Press originally published in Japan in Young GanGan (Square Enix).  This is a seinen sf battle drama with a romantic subplot that is a fascinating read.

About a young psychic girl and a blind swordsman, with a back up group with contention within over the blind swordsman and plenty of enemies, including a small African country.  Throw in loads of yakuza and proficient police detective.  Plenty of action for those who need their action fix, and with a satisfying story for those that need a good story; plus the females in the story (although not many, are main characters) are very strong in many ways.

20 volumes and ongoing in Japan, and Yen Press is publishing as bunkobon and has 4 out so far with volume 5 due out in December.  One would like a faster release of the bunkobons since the story is riveting.