Hi Everyone

Sorry we’ve been off-line mostly for so very long.  I will start to post and check emails shortly – by the mid-December, hopefully.  I’ve noticed that we’ve had a ton of hits – I’m so very sorry for the wait.

First I would like to encourage those of you in the Seattle area or visiting Seattle to dine at Traveler’s Thali House on Beacon hill (one block from El Centro de la Raza).  It’s really authentic Indian food and not greasy or overly spicy – very fresh, healthy and tasty.  The people are great and if you have food allergies or on elimination diet you will be able to find something there.  They have the best chai around, also.  They have supported Seattle Kifujin since the beginning and we’ve held our private meetings there.  The food changes monthly and is from a different region of India each month.  Weekends they have a lot of native East Indians and their families due to the fact it’s authentic.  Think you don’t like Indian food – try this – really.  And the prices are very good (much cheaper than other Indian restaurants).  Allen and Leon are the most caring people – please support Travelers Thali House.


I will shortly have a working computer running and fully loaded.

I’d also like to suggest to readers to contact their congress/parliament/diet/etc. about the poor quality of goods for sale now and how they don’t work out of the box and/or don’t last – even through the warranty period.  This is not only a financial issue but an environmental issue.  I was told that this started in the US when big business in the US could changed the warranty enforcement laws.  Anyway, I haven’t bought anything recently that worked out of the box and everyone I talk with whether at a business, friends and family, government, etc. says the same.  I’ve had many things last 30-35 years – my vacuum, food processor, and stereo (not the radio – stopped about 19 years ago and no parts then – but was 15 years old then).  Now everything doesn’t work properly out of the box.  Complain – be heard – stop buying things and spend your time/money on experiences and things that don’t break (like books).  Write up and copy and paste (makes it easy then you can email several with just a few clicks) to all of your government agencies, representatives, etc.  If enough people do this something will be done.  Boycott products/brands and stores that you’ve had a bad experience or sell poor quality items.

If you need a new computer – one that will last for years and then when you need to upgrade you can with your same computer for a fraction of the cost of buying one, or if you live locally and need  a computer repaired you may want to check out Puget Sound Systems.  All the people are very knowledgeable about computers and super friendly and they go out of their way for their customers.  Free, great tech support for the life of your computer and free labor.  Think of never having to buy a new system again but just upgrading parts as needed.


I also hope that we’ll have guest writers, as I’m going to be adding a couple new projects and won’t have as much time to read manga or watch anime/movies.

Feel free to contact us at our email with articles you want posted or pictures of cosplay from a recent event.  We’d love to see them and share them with others.