
Another series I picked up not knowing anything about – except it was probably shonen or seinen is The Sacred Blacksmith Seiken no Katanakaji  聖剣の刀鍛冶 based on the novels by MIURA Isao 三浦勇雄 with the manga done by YAMADA Koutarou 山田孝太郎.

Notice this is an ecchi series with lolicon elements – not so noticeable for volume 1 but mildly in volume 2, so won’t be continuing it. 

The mangaka does talk about wanting female readers and doing the cover for volume 2 with Luke Ainsworth ルーク・エインズワース for the female readers; however, there is nothing about the drawing to pull in female readers – so he’s not very in touch with what female readers want in their drawings, especially with the addition of lolicon in other areas.  Another let-down for the female audience is the portrayal of the main female character, who is a knight and should be strong and they make her out to be weak and very unrealistic.  Since I don’t know if this is the way she is in the novels or just the manga, I can’t comment on whether the mangaka has misjudged his female audience again.

One feature I like about the two volumes is that at the end in the extras they talk about how katana are made.  I got out my Wakizashi             脇差  わきざし and compared to the terms and illustrations.  I knew mine wasn’t real (it’s a real sword – made in Taiwan) and was mass-produced  (I didn’t buy because I’m otaku, this was bought a few decades ago for part of my magick paraphernalia and so no one gets to view it & probably illegal for cosplay anyway); however, it was still fun to check it out and see what was missing and what was different (cotton not salmon shark hide – it does have a hamon 刃文). 

The Sacred Blacksmith Seiken no Katanakaji  聖剣の刀鍛冶 published by Seven Seas, which I think all of their manga is seinen and possibly some shonen.  I’ve only read a few of their series and got bored with all but one, Blood Alone.

This is rather formulaic battle manga with some fan service for males – little to recommend for a female audience.