Archives for posts with tag: philosophy


This is the second volume of Showa: A History of Japan コミック昭和史 by MIZUKI Shigeru  水木しげる and covers part of World War II.   I wrote about the first volume for Fujinsei to see the first article please check out:

Fujinsei’s blog is:

One again, some of the narration is by Ratman from Kitaro Gegege no Kitarou ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, and the story covers both the Japanese (and in this case world history) and autobiographical material about MIZUKI Shigeru  水木しげる during this time period.  His deep spirituality and pacifistic philosophy are evident. 

Other things that are covered are the loss of civil rights and expression of individuality by the Japanese people during this time period; greed of the politicians that made a living hell for the Japanese people and others of the world – by getting Japan into wars and continuing even without supplies or food; the sheer brutality of war machines; intricacies of the Axis politics and Asian versus European desires and goals; conflicts over treaties and pacts and the breaking of them between countries; the common people smarter than the  politicians who are overcome by rapacity; deceit by war and country leaders to the population of Japan on the conditions and status of the war; people seeing through the government propaganda; etc.  Also covered is how MIZUKI Shigeru’s  水木しげる family considers him a loser (although he later becomes world-famous) and his mother’s ESP at one time when he almost dies.

If this were fiction the volume would be left at a cliff hanger; however, we know how, in the end, he survives (or there would be no great manga by him).

This volume is a great introduction to important events during this period.

Nijigahara-Holograph-Inio-Asano-Manga-11Nijigahara Holograph 虹ケ原ホログラフ by ASANO Inio 浅野いにお published by Quick Japan (Ohta Shuppan) & Fantagraphics – definitely worth a read – if you don’t mind the unusual (at least for manga published in English in the US) and not a happy ending.  It’s more philosophy and impressions creating an interesting story.

Butterflies                 symbology                  murder                                          incest            cycle of violence               abusive families                Zhuangzi  莊子                 butterflies                  Mental Illness           coma              circling                                      spiraling            rape                                                seinen               bullying             Plato            monster               tunnel                   urban legend     thrown down a well                                           painting               dreams                 butterflies                  more butterflies                          school                          real meaning of Nijigahara confused and revealed                                  hospital       stars                    blood                                                                 non-linear                        darkness           violence                                  magic box                                                         end of world                                                                                                    glowing butterflies                    moonlight                               rain                   Hana Ichi Monme 花一匁                                                                                                                                            We’re so happy we won, hana ichi monme
We’re so upset we lost, hana ichi monme                                                         suicide                     butterflies                 sunset                 cyclical    kudan (cow with human face)
