Archives for posts with tag: incest

Nijigahara-Holograph-Inio-Asano-Manga-11Nijigahara Holograph 虹ケ原ホログラフ by ASANO Inio 浅野いにお published by Quick Japan (Ohta Shuppan) & Fantagraphics – definitely worth a read – if you don’t mind the unusual (at least for manga published in English in the US) and not a happy ending.  It’s more philosophy and impressions creating an interesting story.

Butterflies                 symbology                  murder                                          incest            cycle of violence               abusive families                Zhuangzi  莊子                 butterflies                  Mental Illness           coma              circling                                      spiraling            rape                                                seinen               bullying             Plato            monster               tunnel                   urban legend     thrown down a well                                           painting               dreams                 butterflies                  more butterflies                          school                          real meaning of Nijigahara confused and revealed                                  hospital       stars                    blood                                                                 non-linear                        darkness           violence                                  magic box                                                         end of world                                                                                                    glowing butterflies                    moonlight                               rain                   Hana Ichi Monme 花一匁                                                                                                                                            We’re so happy we won, hana ichi monme
We’re so upset we lost, hana ichi monme                                                         suicide                     butterflies                 sunset                 cyclical    kudan (cow with human face)



Two_Roses_for_Yuuki____by_Kira_JMCStyleThank you kira-jmcstyle for the fan art.

Thank you, Amor, for finding all the fan art and getting permission.

****Spoiler Alert****

Vampire Knight ヴァンパイア騎士 by HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり, I loved this when it first came out; although, had a difficult time figuring out who was who, as everyone was drawn the same.  However, the last couple years it’s become rather boring; although, the drawings did improve greatly and now the characters are easily differentiated.

It’s on the last arc in Japan and seems to be getting more interesting again as it nears to an end; however, it’s gone on for far too long.

After Kuran Kaname 玖蘭 枢 revealed that  Kurosu Yūki / Kuran Yūki        黒主 優姫 / 玖蘭 優姫 was his sister and bride I thought it would get even better; however, shortly after that he took off and it got so boring I couldn’t wait for it to finish.  I’m glad that it’s getting more interesting just before the ending; however, seems like it will be a tragic ending.

HINO Matsuri 樋野まつり  has greatly improved as a mangaka during this series in both material and drawing.   I’ve read her other two series published in the US  – Merupuri    めるぷり メルヘン☆プリンス and  Wanted ウォンテッド.  I’ve not read Watashi to Fukigen na Panya-san                    私と不機嫌なパン屋さん .   I look forward to her next work.

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