Archives for posts with tag: based on novel

shinsen-subs_le_chevalier_deon_-_13_1920x1080h264-5-1aac844d28aa_sep-1-2012-2-37-04-pmI recently received Le Chevalier d’Éon シュヴァリエ the anime.  I’m new to historic fiction and the few pieces I’ve seen/read are not really at all like the history, total fiction with some historic characters (usually not at all like the lives they lived) and may or may not have actual historic events in them.

This was totally fictional, with the events and many of the people fictionalized.  I’m not sure if this is the norm or not.  However, there are many good notes on the actual people and places and some events.  These notes are small to read (probably if you don’t have a larger TV or are older) and this is a S.A.V.E. edition.

The story is seinen, supernatural, horror, gender bender, historic fiction, and action.

It can be entertaining.  The animators tried to make the dress and backgrounds authentic.  If you can get past the inaccurate history and love action, and/or horror and supernatural you may enjoy this anime.

This is based on a novel and there are 24 episodes of the anime and there is a manga (I’ve not read – and out of print in English) of 8 volumes.


le chev


What a total mess!  CLANNAD クラナド anime can’t decide what direction or story to tell.  This is shonen school life, moeblob, harem; with so many different stories going on – some I’ve seen in other anime/manga.  It can’t decide what is the real story and goes off in all directions.  The different story lines are pretty generic too, nothing new to see here except the exceptional mess they created with the material.

There are 22 episodes and 2 extras, the last extra an alternative ending with a minor character.

At a couple points they try to get the female audience involved with false rumors of BL, but these are obvious short-lived, poor jokes. 

The other main male characters really have no place in the series except to be the butt of jokes.  Most of the girls aren’t needed with undeveloped personalities and lacking full story arcs as they leave story lines unfinished to go off on other directions.

Unimpressive characters, messed up generic plots, and does anyone really care if dango or starfish are cute – and if so, which is the cutest, this anime has nothing with which to redeem itself.  I suggest you avoid this catastrophe, unless you’re into moeblob.